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1 01_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Availabilty

DL:  If this is just testing that the operation exists, then I'm not sure it is necessary.
Test Objective:Verify the availabilty of the new operation- Get AccountRate of Return in the VM Balances V5 Webservice
Data Requirements: WSDL URL
Pre Conditions: Setup valid WSDL URL of VM Balances V5 webservices in a project in SOA Test
Post Conditions:New  Operation Get Account Rate of return should be available for the VM Balances V5 webservice
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and check for the availabilty of the new opaeration GetAccount Rateof Reurn
New  Operation Get Account Rate of return should be available for the VM Balances V5 webservice Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
2 02_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_All Elements Test Objective:Verify whether the new operation- Get AccountRate of return has the following elements in the Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
Data Requirements:WSDL URL
Pre Conditions:Setup valid WSDL URL of VM Balances V5 webservices in a project in SOA Test
Post Conditions:The new operation- Get AccountRate of return has the following elements in the Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following elements in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
The new operation- Get AccountRate ofReturn should have the following elements in the Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
3 03_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Mandatory Elements

DL:  If you are trying to test that it is required, then you would also have to test what happens when no SSN is passed.
Test Objective:Verify whether the element- Participant SSN is mandatory
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN
Pre Conditions:Setup SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the valid response.
4 04_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Optional Elements

DL:  I don't understand what you are trying to test here.  Column C mentions no value for SSN, but column E mentions a value is provided.  Also, if you are intending to test that a request can't be made without an SSN being passed, I would think you would see an error message returned.  The PID should have more inforrmation on this.
Test Objective:Verify whether the element- Account ID and PlanSponsor ID is optional.
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid  Account ID and PlanSponsor ID
Pre Conditions:Setup SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:No data is returned back as there is no value given for the Participant SSN as it is mandatory and Account ID and PlanSponsor ID are non-mandatory.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following elements in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
No data should be returned back as there is no value given for the Participant SSN as it is mandatory and Account ID and PlanSponsor ID are non-mandatory. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN in the field and leave the other element fields empty and  send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the valid response.
5 05_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Valid SSN_Calculated PRR

DL:  This would need to be broken down into multiple test cases for SSNs with different plan and client relationships and different available PRR values.
Test Objective:Validate whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN, response is received with values in the below elements:
i) Account ID
ii) As of Date
iii) Cumulative Performance
iv) Annual Performance
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the the calculated PRR in the response XML.
6 06_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID_Calculated PRR

DL:  This would need to be broken down into multiple test cases for SSNs with different plan and client relationships and where different combinations of plan and client ID are passed in the request.
Test Objective:Validate whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN andeither or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID, response is received with values in the below elements:
i) Account ID
ii) As of Date
iii) Cumulative Performance
iv) Annual Performance
Data Requirements: WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the the calculated PRR in the response XML.
7 07_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Invalid Account Id _Calculated PRR Test Objective:Validate whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN andeither or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID,no response is received.
Data Requirements: WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN,either or both invalid Account Id .
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:If Ventura detects an invalid value for account, a soapfault will be returned with a validation error and the request will not be processed.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
A soapfault will be returned with a validation error and the request will not be processed  Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN but invalid Account ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check whether a SOAP fault error occurs.
  08_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Invalid Plan Sponsor ID_Calculated PRR

DL:  I think your Test Objective is incorrect if you are expecting data to be returned.
Test Objective:Validate whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN andeither or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID,no response is received.
Data Requirements: WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN and invalid Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:Valid response XML will be recieved as usual and there will be no impact of the invalid Plan Sponsor ID given as input.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
Valid response XML will be recieved as usual and there will be no impact of the invalid Plan Sponsor ID given as input.  Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
  Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN but invalid Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check whether response XML received as usual.
  07_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID_Calculated PRR

DL:  I thought Alex said that there was no validation on PlanSponsorId so I'm not sure whether an invalid client ID will trigger an invalid response if sent in the request.
Test Objective:Validate whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN andeither or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID,no response is received.
Data Requirements: WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN,either or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:No response XML will be recieved. 
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
A soapfault will be returned with a validation error and the request will not be processed .  Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
  Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN but invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check whether a SOAP fault error occurs.
8 08_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Cumulative Performance

DL:  This would need to be broken down into multiple test cases as mentioned above.
Test Objective::Verify whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN  or Participant SSN along with the optional elements-Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID, response is received with the following  elements in the element name- Cumulative Performance(YTD):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid  Paricipant SSN,Account ID and PlanSponsor ID
Pre Conditions:SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data is recieved as response along with the following  elements in the element name- Cumulative Performance(YTD):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
All the relevant data should be recieved as response along with the following  elements in the element name- Cumulative Performance(YTD):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN only or Participant SSN, either or both Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the response XML recieved with the response is received with the following  elements in the element name- Cumulative Performance(YTD):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
9 09_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Annual Performance

DL:  This would need to be broken down into multiple test cases as mentioned above.
Test Objective::Verify whether on sending request with correct value in the mandatory field Participant SSN  or Participant SSN along with the optional elements-Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID, response is received with the following  elements in the element name- Annual Performance(1 year):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid  Paricipant SSN,Account ID and PlanSponsor ID
Pre Conditions:SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data is recieved as response along with the following  elements in the element name- Annual Performance(1 year):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
All the relevant data should be recieved as response along with the following  elements in the element name- Annual Performance(1 year):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN only or Participant SSN, either or both Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the response XML recieved with the response is received with the following  elements in the element name- Annual Performance(1 year):
Rate of Return-
i) Period
ii)Period Type
iii)Rate of Return
iv)Begin Date
v)End Date
vi)Is Stale
10 10_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Input Validation_Relevant Data

DL:  This would need to be broken down into multiple test cases as mentioned above.
Test Objective:Verify whether on providing values to each field in the request  whether it is mandatory or optional other than From Date and To Date, a relevant response is being recieved
Data Requirements: WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions: SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions:All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
All the relevant data along with the calculated PRR associated with the requested SSN should be available in the response XML. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID but not in From Date and To Date  field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the valid response XML.
11 11_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_SOAP fault

DL:  Not sure what you mean when you say to check for a valid response.  You will get a soapfault in this scenario.  This needs to be broken down into multiple cases where non-null values are passed for both data elements and only for each element at a time.
Test Objective:Validate whether on passing values to From Date and To Date (Custom Date Range), a SOAP fault will be returned along with validation error.
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN, Account ID,Sponsor ID and values in From Date and To Date elements.
Pre Conditions:SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account ID,Plan Sponsor ID and values in From Date and To Date elements as request.
Post Conditions:If Ventura detects a non-null value for either/both data element(s), a soapfault will be returned with a validation error and the request will not be processed.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
A soapfault should be returned with a validation error and the request will not be processed. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account ID ,Plan Sponsor ID and even values in  From Date and To Date  field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the valid response XML.
12 12_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn__PRR_Client ID Test Objective:Verify whether if Client ID is passed in the optional field-Plan Sponsor ID, it will return all plans instead of just the plans associated with that client ID
Data Requirements:WSDL URL,Setup SAML Token, Valid Participant SSN, Account ID and pass Client ID in Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions::SAML Token for authentication in the project. Provide valid SSN,Account IDand pass Client ID in Plan Sponsor ID  as request.
Post Conditions:Client ID  passed in the PlanSponsorId element will not impact the data returned in the response and the  response would include all clients and all plans instead of just the plans associated with that specific client ID.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
iii)PlanSponsor ID
iv)From Date
v) To Date
Client ID  passed in the PlanSponsorId element should not impact the data returned in the response and the  response should include all clients and all plans instead of just the plans associated with that specific client ID. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid  Participant SSN, either or both Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID with client ID passed in Plan Sponsor ID field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the valid response XML with Client ID  passed in the PlanSponsorId element  not impacting the data returned in the response
13 13_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn__PRR_VALID SSN_ODS STORED PROCEDURE Test Objective:Verify and compare whether the values received as response for a valid participant SSN is same as the data returned by the ODS stored procedure.
Data Requirements:Valid participant SSN, Valid Response XML
Pre Conditions: Valid Response XML recieved as response on sending Valid SSN as request.
Post Conditions: Values recieved as Response XML should be same as the value in the ODS stored procedure.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
Values recieved as Response XML should be same as the value in the ODS stored procedure. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the the calculated PRR in the response XML.
Step 3 9. Go to SQLDeveloper/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the same Participant SSN.
11. Cross check and compare the values from Response XML and ODS stored procedure.
14 14_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn__PRR_INVALID SSN_ODS STORED PROCEDURE Test Objective:Verify and compare whether there is no value received as response for an invalid participant SSN and there is no data returned by the ODS stored procedure for the same.
Data Requirements:Invalid participant SSN
Pre Conditions: No Response XML recieved as response on sending Invalid SSN as request.
Post Conditions:No value is recieved as response as there is no value for the requested SSN in the ODS Stored Procedure.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
No value should be recieved as response as there is no value for the requested SSN in the ODS Stored Procedure. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide invalid Participant SSN in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the response in the traffic viewer as no response XML should be returned for an invalid SSN
Step 3 9. Go to SQLDeveloper/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the same invalid Participant SSN.
11. No value should be returned by querying ODS Stored procedure with incorrect SSN.
15 15_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn__PRR_Valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID_ODS STORED PROCEDURE Test Objective:Verify and compare whether the values received as response for a valid participant SSN,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID is same as the data returned by the ODS stored procedure.
Data Requirements:Valid participant SSN,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID and Valid Response XML
Pre Conditions: Valid Response XML recieved as response on sending Valid SSN and ,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID as request.
Post Conditions: Values recieved as Response XML should be same as the value in the ODS stored procedure.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
ii) Plan Sponsor ID
Values recieved as Response XML should be same as the value in the ODS stored procedure. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the the calculated PRR in the response XML.
Step 3 9. Go to SQL Developer/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the same Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID.
11. Cross check and compare the values from Response XML and ODS stored procedure.
16 16_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRat+B16eOfReturn__PRR_Invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID_ODS STORED PROCEDURE

DL:  I thought Alex said that there was no validation on PlanSponsorId so I'm not sure whether an invalid client ID will trigger an invalid response if sent in the request.
Test Objective:Verify and compare whether no value is received as response for a valid participant SSN,either or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID is same as the data returned by the ODS stored procedure which is also null.
Data Requirements:Valid participant SSN,either or both invalid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions: No Response XML recieved as response on sending Valid SSN and either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID  as request.
Post Conditions: No Response XML should be recieved as there is no value associated with that invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the ODS stored Procedure.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
 No Response XML should be recieved as there is no value associated with that invalid Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID in the ODS stored Procedure. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide invalid Participant SSN, Account Id and PlanSponsor ID in the field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the response in the traffic viewer as no response should be returned for an invalid SSN,Account Id and PlanSponsor ID
Step 3 9. Go to SQLDeveloper/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the same invalid Participant SSN.
11. No value should be returned by querying ODS Stored procedure with incorrect SSN.
17 17_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Custom Date Range_Not Null

DL:  I'm not sure what type of error will be returned by ODS if non-null values are sent in for the dates.
Test Objective: Verify and compare if not-null values are passed in the From Date and To Date fields as request, the ODS stored procedure is not available for the VM Balances V5 webservice and thus it will return a SOAP fault error.
Data Requirements::Valid participant SSN,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID, values in the element  From Date and To Date
Pre Conditions:For not-null values passed in the From Date and To Date fields as request,the operation will return a SOAP fault error.
Post Conditions: Once SOAP Fault error is recieved, the ODS stored procedure is not available for the VM Balances V5 webservice.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
Once SOAP Fault error is recieved, the ODS stored procedure should not be available for the VM Balances V5 webservice. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account Id and PlanSponsor ID with values even in the From Date and To Date field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the SOAP fault error recieved as response.
Step 3
9. Go to SQLDeveloper/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the  valid Participant SSN, Account Id and PlanSponsor ID  with values even in the From Date and To Date Elements.
11. For this case specifically, the ODS stored procedure is not available for the VM Balances V5 webservice.
18 18_Ventura_VM Balances V5_GetAccountRateOfReturn_PRR_Custom Date Range_Null Test Objective: Verify and compare if null values are passed in the From Date and To Date fields as request, the ODS stored procedure is available for the VM Balances V5 webservice and it will return the relevant data.
Data Requirements: Valid participant SSN,either or both valid Account Id and Plan Sponsor ID
Pre Conditions:For null values passed in the From Date and To Date fields as request,the operation will return relevant data.
Post Conditions: The value recieved as reponse XML is same as that of the value in the ODS stored procedure.
Step 1  1. Open SOA Test.
2. Setup a project using the WSDL URL-
3. Setup SAML token for authentication using correct username and password.
4.Expand the tst file and  double click on the GetAccount Rateof Reurn- operation
5.Click on Request button and then click on SOAP Body
6.Check for the following element in  Request-SOAP Body:
i)  Participant SSN
ii) Account ID
ii) Plan Sponsor ID
The value recieved as reponse XML should be same as that of the value in the ODS stored procedure. Defined Contributions Ventura Modernization FSY-DEV-WI-NB 4.0 Responsive DC Summary Functional a593722 2 2 2 Manual
Step 2  7. Provide valid Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID with no values in theFrom Date and To Date field and send it as request by running the particular operation.
8. Check for the the calculated PRR in the response XML.
Step 3 9. Go to SQL Developer/AQT
10. Query the ODS stored procedure for the same Participant SSN, Account ID and Plan Sponsor ID.
11. Cross check and compare the values from Response XML and ODS stored procedure.


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